Burracoppin Gold Project
Reedy Lagoon is targeting gold mineralization at Burracoppin in the vicinity of its magnetite deposit (Burracoppin Iron project) located 270 kilometres east of Perth in Western Australia. The Burracoppin Gold project comprises granted tenements E70/4941, E70/5467 and E70/5544 (241 square kilometres). The project is 20 kilometres southwest from the Edna May Gold Mine where Ramelius Resources Limited processes ore from its Tampia Gold Mine located 60 kilometres to the south of Reedy Lagoon’s Burracoppin Gold project.
The project covers areas around the Yandina Shear Zone. Small-scale underground gold workings near the Shear Zone, at the Lady Janet mine south of Burracoppin township, are described in a 1936 geological report. Most of the 30 kilometre strike length of the Yandina Shear Zone within the project area has seen very little exploration.
Surface soil sampling is identifying areas of anomalous levels of gold. Infill and extension sampling at identified anomalies is recovering geochemical data to aid targeting gold-bearing mineralised systems for drill testing.
For detail and updates, refer to the latest Quarterly Activities reports and other ASX announcements.